2015-05-23 - Run for Roses Course


~3.2 miles @ ~20.7 min/mi and ~3.1 miles @ ~12.6 min/mi

DD Gray & dear friend Dr Mary walk the "Run for Roses 5k" course — which has changed since I helped at an aid station there some years ago (cf. 2006-06-17 - Run for Roses Water Table) — as a preview for Gray and a warmup for Mary, who then jogs and walks it with me as a second separate circuit. We make a few wrong turns the first time around. Mary gives Gray big-sisterly advice. The event is in a month, it's women-only, both Mary and I will likely be out of town, so Gray will have to solo on her first race!

(trackfile and trackfile) - ^z - 2015-06-16